What is

We perform taninoplasty treatment at our facility in Barcelona. This type of treatment is one of the latest innovations in straightening, anti-frizz and reconstructing hair fibre with organic treatments that are completely natural and respectful to your hair. Its main active ingredient is tannin acid (that's where its name comes from), it is a plant-based preservative and antioxidant that is found,for example, in grape skin and chestnuts. It is generally used for its anti-inflammatory or healing properties.


What type of hair is taninoplasty suited to?

It is especially suitable for frizzy, dry, and damaged hair or where extra smoothness and shine is desired.

What are the benefits of taninoplasty?

There are many benefits and results. It is a perfect treatment for: Rebuilding and moisturising the hair fibre of damaged hair. Seeking to straighten and/or loosen curls and eliminate frizz. Achieving much glossier and silkier hair. Helping to speed up your daily hairstyling routine and making it last longer since it will be smooth, perfect and shiny with a quick blow dry. We can provide these services partially or in full and of course in short hair or for males.

How long does the taninoplasty effect last?

Depending on the job chosen, you'll be at the hairdresser's for 2-4 hours. This treatment requires an assessment by an experienced stylist so that the result and effect is what we are looking for. Once this treatment is properly applied, it will last between 3 and 4 months depending on its upkeep. If you're looking for taninoplasty specialists in Barcelona, book your appointment now. Don't delay and take advantage of the many benefits of this type of treatment.


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